
Fanbladz is an online service that allows high student athletes (SA) the ability to build resumes and player performance profiles (PPP) of their academic and sports performance history in a centralised web-based location for sharing with family and fans and being discovered by college recruiters with advanced analytical search and discover capabilities.


Our mission to leverage technologies to help high school student athletes promote their success and be discovered by colleges.


Enable every high school student athlete the opportunity of a college scholarship by being discovered while enjoying their athletic journey and sharing it with fans.



Student athletes work hard on their sports careers and need a simple, online location to consolidate their performance information for fans and recruiters to review and follow.

We think that sports recruiting should be transformed from an existing manual search process into an intelligent and analytical search engine that expands the network of student athletes into a national market for recruiters to find key talent anywhere that is aligned to the specific needs of the sports program. This will allow the “undiscoverable” talent a chance to be found and recruited by coaches anywhere.


For the SA, the resumes can be easily shared with others, including coaches and friends, so they can see a complete summary of the SA career in a single location. Our sharing technology is similar to LinkedIn with a focus on high school athletes. The coaches will be able to search, review, and follow SA based on the resumes of interest, similar to the way employment recruiters use LinkedIn to find candidates.


The Problem

There is no centralized location for a SA to consolidate their academic and athletic careers and promote their successes with others. Currently, the SA has a Maxprep profile that is mostly managed by the high school coaches, HUDL profile for their athletic video, and Twitter to promote their successes, including game highlights and scholarship offers. These are disparate and ineffective at providing a cohesive summary of their athletic and academic success and make being discovered or followed by fans and recruiters difficult.

The Solution

FanBladz consolidates all of their academic and athletic performance into a single profile and enables them to share that profile with their fans. This is a great way for family and friends to be able to stay current on the progress of the SA and see the accumulation of success over the SA high school career. Also, with analytics, the platform allows recruiters the ability to specifically search for recruiters by performance metrics (e.g. 40 yard dash), biometrics and game statistics. This will enhance the recruiting process by allow recruiters the ability to easily discover talent all over the country, follow that SA and engage when they are ready.

FanBladz is linked for high school sports and works to enhance their network and recruiting.

Key Elements

High School Student Athletes

Any person with a passion for their sports career that needs to create and maintain their player performance profile on the system. They share their profile with others in the social platforms.
Example: A low income high school football player needs a scholarship in order to go to college. He keeps his profile current and promotes it to his network and recruiters on FanBladz to get noticed and recruited. Since his stats, videos, grades and performance metrics are all in a single profile, it’s easy for the recruiters to assess and engage.


Any coach or recruiter for a college. They use the system to search and follow player based on desired criteria.
Example: A recruiter in California needs linebackers for the upcoming seasons. He knows there is great talent in Florida but lacks the resources to attend the high school games to recruit. Using FanBladz, he can search for the specific linebacker profiles (size, speed, performance) and identify players to follow and engage while staying home.

Fan Profiles

Any person with an interest in a player including parents, friends and coaches. They use the system to follow players throughout their playing career. Example: A football SA in Florida has a grandfather in Michigan that can’t attend games but would like to see the scholarship offers his grandson has received and share with his buddies.

Key Elements

Primary Differentiation

Fanbladz is created with the athlete being the primary user of the system. Everything is about helping the SA capture and promote their achievements for others to see. Our key to success is making it easy for the resumes of the SA to be created and maintained and being highly searchable for discovery. At the end of the day, it’s about Promotion, Discovery and Connection between the SA and coaches/recruiters.

All data is designed such that it can be easily indexed and analyzed to identify trends, information and matching to help coaches find the right SA to follow. An example includes the coach that needs a linebacker and they know the ideal height, weight, 40 yd dash, and other performance metrics. As such, the system will generate a highly tuned list of SA that match these criteria. From there, the coach can review for other aspects of consideration (GPA, location, etc.) and then follow the SA or communicate with them. When the resume is updated, the coach is notified to keep track of the SA.

A valuable key to our system is the ability for the SA to easily share their resume. They will have a unique URL to promote on their profiles on other social pages (snapchat, facebook, etc.). Also, we will provide a custom QR code that can be easily shared with friends and family on social media or traditional print outlets. The webpages will be indexable by Google for increases SEO performance over time.

The integrity of the data provided by the SA will be key. As such, we provide the ability for the data to be verified by a 3rd party with references, so the coaches know the information is legitimate. This 3rd party verification will be scalable and variable to the data being verified. It could include a current coach of the SA or from the resources that capture the information in training and combines. Also, we can provide a way for the data original source be uploaded and accessed for view by the coaches. Of course, all data would be validated by the coach as they continue their recruiting process, but we want to help reduce the effort of tracking SA that don’t fit the needs of the coaches' program.

Each SA will have their own personality and will want to show it in their resume. As such, we provide the ability to personalize the resume to the personality of the SA while maintaining the data structure and ease of review of the resume.